
Agregátor obsahu
Agregátor obsahu
Insights 2021 Introduction


NEORIS presents its 3rd edition of the annual insights report which highlight the latest business intelligence, innovation and the smart interactions as a result of COVID-19 and the forthcoming steps that industries should take to ensure a productive 2021. With a theme that focuses on driving disruption and digitalization, “The Challenge After the New Normal” analyzes the role technology played in the success and navigation of companies throughout this past year and how this crisis accelerated the push towards a fourth industrial revolution.

“After covid-19, the future belongs to those daring to behave like tech companies”, said Martin Mendez, CEO of NEORIS. “2021 is the year to disrupt or be disrupted. Strategic digital transformation is now essential and necessary for companies to boost growth”, he added.

The report highlights a compilation of insights from NEORIS’s most expert high-level executives into how the transformative power of technology can help create a much more personalized and efficient response to society’s most urgent needs. Most importantly, it can help companies look ahead and adopt a more proactive scheme.